Hello again! I had a job interview this Monday, and this is what I wore. I posted about this dress last year
here, it was a craft project made with my trust V8615 vogue pattern. I had added sleeves to the dress, but hadn't really worn it much because they were a bit tight. In a bit of a whim I decided to take them off, and in hindsight I'm glad I did. I much prefer the option of being able to wear blouses under dresses (it makes them more versatile and work friendly), and it's now a nice summer dress as is!
On a side note (ho ho), I've decided to start actively posting more photographs from different angles. This is because I've realised that focusing only on my front kind of hides my fatness to a certain extent (as much of my chub is concentrated in my perma-pregnant looking belly!), so, both to aid in my own body acceptance and to show how clothes fit me better, I'm going to try and show more sides of me.
Dress, handmade
Blouse, Dorothy Perkins, £12
Belt, clothes swap
Tights, M&S
Heels, Docs, £60
Have been reading a lot of your posts recently and have to say I really love your sense of style!! Very classy and chic! Definitely a style inspiration to me! :)